Monmouth County Homes

Summer Electric Savings

Would you like to have savings on your summer electric bill?

Summer Electric Savings

It’s almost summer. The  warm weather is around the corner, however, following close behind is the hot weather. And when the hot weather comes along it brings the high electric bills due to running the air conditioning. Try some of these ideas to help keep those bills in check.

The HVAC System

Do your HVAC (heating,cooling,ventilation) system a favor by changing the air filters. They should be changed regularly. How often depends on which filters you use. I use the cheap 30 day filters. However, you need to actually change them, because a dirty filter makes the air conditioning system work harder. As a result, it uses more energy. Look at the AC compressor outside. There’s a copper tube which goes from the house to the AC compressor which is supposed to have insulation wrapped around it. But most of the ones I see need to have the insulation replaced. Go to the hardware store and buy new insulation. It should only takes 5 – 10 minutes to remove the old and install new insulation.

Close Unused Rooms

If you’re not currently using a room, should you shut the door and close the air vent to save energy? WRONG. By doing that you’ll cause air pressure to build in the ducts which will make the AC system work harder.

Change Your Electricity Supplier

You are able to change your electric supplier to get a lower rate. Watch the rates on the bills, because there are companies that give a low rate in the winter, only to raise the rates during the summer when you use it most.

Insulate the Attic

If you have a newer home, you probably have enough insulation in the attic. However, if your home is 30 or more years old, look in the attic. The original insulation was probably 3.5 “, but has since collapsed to less. If you still have just the original insulation, think seriously about adding more insulation. An HVAC contractor should be able to give an estimate and provide info on your Return on Investment.

Miscellaneous Savings

Are you still using incandescent or halogen bulbs? By changing to compact florescent, or preferably LED lamps, you’ll  see a significant impact on your Summer Electric Savings.

You’ll also save by closing your blinds, because it really does keep heat out of the house.

Do you still have a manual thermostat? By using a thermostat with a timer, you  can drastically reduce the cost of energy. These thermostats not only turn the system on and off as necessary, they’re more sensitive. By keeping the house at a more even temperature, you’ll save energy.

Ceiling fans not only look cool, they’re functional. By setting a fan to a counter clockwise direction, this will bring cool air from the floor towards the ceiling. And in the winter, reverse the direction. By using a fan, you can lower the temperature inn a room by as much as 4 degrees. Remember to turn it off when you leave a room because if you’re not in the room, all you’ll do is waste electric.

Bottom Line

By instituting a few of these changes, you can make a significant impact on your Summer Electric Savings. And if you want to make an even greater impact, investigate solar. In addition, if you’re thinking of selling your home, these improvements can have a positive impact on the selling price you’re receive. Call us if you’re ready to either buy or sell a home.

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